Support Your Communitry Golf Course
Become a part of this legacy of forward-thinking community companies, organizations and leaders by choosing to Adopt A Hole for the 2018 season. Click here for a more comprehensive overview.

When you Adopt A Hole you provide:
- ongoing maintenance of the golf course and recreation infrastructure.
- planned improvements to the course.
- affordable and fun golfing experiences for a wide range of users.
- unique activities like bird-watching, XC skiing, and dog-walking.
- support to our youth golf program where kids learn skills critical growing into a productive citizen.
- A tee-box plaque, website acknowledgement, and email footer presence
- Over 15,000 impressions
- Potential tax deduction
Request: $1,250
To ensure March 15th launch, commitment due February 15th.
Past companies and organizational donors include:
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